Factors Increasing the Risk Factor of Gastric Cancer

Kidney Cancer

Cancer of any type and in any part of the body is overwhelming. Gastric cancer that is often categorized as stomach cancer generally begins from the innermost layer of the stomach and moves outwards. The stomach is a crucial organ of our digestive system, and cancerous growth in it is often a multidimensional hit to your body. Knowledge about the factors which can elevate your risk of gastric cancer can be of great help in preventing it and saving lives.


Older people, often more than 55 years of age, are more likely to fall prey to gastric cancer. The age bracket of 60 to 70 years has maximum reported cases of stomach cancer. For that reason, you need to pay attention to your diet and routine to avoid any such unfortunate diagnosis.


The development of gastric cancer can be attributed to many different factors. Most of these factors are likely to hit men more than women, which is why men are twice more prone to the disease as compared to women.

Ethnicity and geography

According to the statistics, gastric cancer is more common in black Asian and African communities than in whites. Countries like China, Japan, central and south America, and eastern and southern Europe report more cases of stomach cancer.


One of the main causes of stomach cancer is exposure to Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) bacteria. It is known to cause severe ulcer and inflammation in the stomach, which leads to gastric cancer. Timely and accurate treatment of the bacteria can remarkably reduce the risk of gastric cancer.


If you have a family history of gastric cancer running in your parents or siblings, you are more likely to get affected by the disease. Many genetic disorders like Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis put you at a higher risk of gastric cancer.

Eating habits

Gastric cancer is more common in people consuming a large amount of salted, pickled, and smoked food every day. Such food items contain nitrates and nitrites. These elements can be easily converted into cancer-causing compounds by the bacteria like H pylori. On the other hand, the risk is considerably reduced by adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet.


Another factor that is believed to increase the risk of stomach cancer is excess weight. Obesity often causes cancer than begins in the upper part of the stomach. However, the extent of the likelihood of the development of cancer due to obesity is not known.

Tobacco and alcohol

Both substances can increase the chances of gastric cancer to a great extent. Smoking tobacco can elevate the risk of double. In most cases, cancer due to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol begins near the oesophagus.

History of stomach surgery

Some non- cancerous diseases like severe ulcers may require surgery and removal of some parts of the stomach. In some cases, there could be reflux of bile to the stomach from the small intestine. Also, your stomach produces a lesser amount of acid, making it more habitable for bacteria. Both these circumstances increase the risk of gastric cancer post-surgery.

Exposure and immune deficiency

In rare cases, exposure to certain kinds of fumes and dust at the workplace can also put you at the risk of stomach cancer. The chances are increased if your immune system is not strong enough to kill germs. In such cases, you are more prone to diseases like atrophic gastritis pernicious anaemia, which increases your likelihood of developing gastric cancer.

Some medical conditions

Some medical conditions and diseases can elevate the chances of cancer development in your stomach. These diseases include intestinal metaplasia (growth of intestinal cells in the stomach lining), chronic gastritis (stomach inflammation), gastric polyps, and Epstein-Barr virus, etc.

It is important to note that risk factors are factors that can increase the chances of getting gastric cancer. Their presence or absence is not an assurance of the presence and absence of the diseases in your system. Only a word with your doctor can certainly tell you about your health and the existence of any cancer in your system. Dr Rudra Acharya is one of the best oncologists in India. With over 15 years of experience in the field and expertise in handling the challenges of cancer, Dr Rudra has saved many lives successfully. He believes in early detection and treats his patients with compassion. He listens to your apprehensions and makes sure that all your doubts are addressed. You get the best guidance and treatment for the disease and better life-quality.

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