New Year Health Resolution 2021 : Boost your Immune system!

World Cancer Day

This New Year, make a resolution to boost your immunity to fight off diseases.

There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of our lives, right from virtual classrooms in the education sector to video calling for medical consultation. Taking health precautions and reducing exposure to the COVID virus are essential to decline the spread. Even though no one knows how long such a situation will remain, Still, it's the perfect time to improve your health and boost your immune system apart.

Not just Covid-19, there are several other health illnesses like cancer that you can prevent by boosting your body immunity. A robust immune system helps firm up the natural defence of your body, and fight against pathogens and other disease-causing factors. Among different types of cancer, GI cancer is prevailing at a faster rate. A healthy immune system supports your body’s defence system. The immune system protects your body from the harsh effects of the abnormal cells or cancer cells, but sometimes those cells escape from getting detected and lead to the formation of a tumour. Thus, strengthening your immune system should be your first resolution for 2021. Various dietary, as well as lifestyle changes, can help in boosting the immunity system.

Let's have a look at how to boost your immunity:

A good amount of sleep: Sleep and immunity system are closely related. With the poor quality of sleep, you are highly susceptible to illness. Inadequate amount of sleep may have various negative consequences. It promotes the release of corticosteroids which trigger inflammatory pathways and accumulate toxic material in the body. A good amount of sleep aids in detoxifying your body and keeping you away from illness like gastric cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes and insulin resistance. Adults need 7 hours of sleep every night, teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep and infants need 14 hours of sleep every night.

Increase intake of whole plant foods: Some plant foods like vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts are filled with antioxidants and nutrients that boost your immune system. Antioxidants rich fruits and vegetables are known to scavenge the free radicals formed in the body due to toxic material accumulation. These free radicals are involved in causing inflammation in the body leading to diseases like cancer and diabetes. Antioxidants help destroy these unstable compounds like free radicals. Inflammatory pathways cause several health conditions like heart diseases and some cancers like GI cancer. The fibre present in those plant foods helps feed the microbiome of your gut that enhances your immunity and assists in keeping harmful microbes away from your digestive system.

Eat healthy fats: Some of the healthy fats found in fishes like salmon, and olive oil will boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids like chia seeds helps in fighting off inflammation. In short, it assists in combating some of the primary illnesses.

Reduce intake of added sugars: As per research, added sugars contribute to overweight and obesity, leading to an enhanced risk of becoming ill. Less sugar intake can reduce inflammation and help decrease body weight, thus reducing risk of some harmful health conditions. You should limit the sugar intake to less than 7% per day.

Exercise: Performing moderate or light exercises everyday can help in boosting your immunity. Light exercise includes walking, bicycling, and swimming along with low hiking. If you have not included it in your daily routine, then in 2021 promise yourself to make exercise a significant part of the everyday activity.

Reduce your level of stress: One of the essential things to keep your immunity is relieving yourself from all kinds of stress and anxiety. Sometimes when stress remains for a long time, it can lead to inflammation leading to an imbalance in the functioning of your immune system. Research studies have shown that people who are subjected to long time psychological stress have compromised immunity. It's better to get involved in meditation, yoga, and other such beneficial practices for decreasing stress.

Add fermented foods and probiotics to your diet: Fermented foods are found to be rich in beneficial bacteria that are present in our intestine and helps in defense mechanism by protecting our body from various pathogens. Fermented foods like Idli, Dosa, Probiotics and various other foods keeps constitute flourishing network of good bacteria that can strengthen your immunity by helping your immune cells fight and differentiate between normal, healthy and harmful foreign microorganisms

Stay hydrated: Our body is composed of around 70% of water. Even Though the water doesn't protect us from harmful bacteria, it flushes out the harmful toxins from our body. Research studies says that adults may lose the urge to drink water as their body doesn’t signal them to drink more of it which may lead to dehydration. Dehydration in turn may lead to digestive problems, altered mood and focus and predispose us to numerous illnesses.

Take your supplements wisely: Supplements like vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and other ayurvedic herbs like garlic, ginger, turmeric can help enhance immunity and promote health and wellness. However, it is recommended to take those supplements only which are FDA approved.

Consume healthy Fats: Reduction in total amount of fat intake has been associated with healthy functioning of the immune system. It has also been suggested by numerous health experts that healthy fats like consuming, omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats can improve your health by lowering the risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, stroke and other diseases. Healthy fats enhance immune function by lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol levels and promoting HDL.

Cut down smoking and alcohol and other bad lifestyle habits: Numerous research studies have shown that smoking has a significant negative impact on the immune system. Smoking, chewing tobacco and consuming alcohol suppresses the immune system and may increase the susceptibility to a secondary infection. These lifestyle habits may lead to vascular disease and can cause cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. So, try making a healthy resolution this 2021 and quit smoking or other bad lifestyle habits if any.


One can make several dietary and lifestyle changes to boost their immunity naturally. Now that you have looked at the various factors that can enhance your immunity, take a step forward and bring changes in your lifestyle and diet to make your immune system strong enough to fight against any illness. This new year make a firm resolution not to compromise your health for anything. Follow a healthy dietary habit, reduce salt and sugar intake, stay hydrated, work out regularly, get adequate sleep, and manage your Stress levels to boost your immunity naturally.

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