Tips To Help Lower Your Risk of Lung Cancer

Tips To Help Lower Your Risk of Lung Cancer

Various factors in daily life may increase the risk of lung cancer. Here are some tips to effectively reduce such risks.

Quitting smoking and preventing lung cancer

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were less cases of lung cancer. Due to the dramatic increase in smoking and drinking alcohol, lung cancer has become more prevalent nowadays. When you smoke (especially tobacco), it instantly initiates changes in your lung tissue and ends up damaging the cells lining your lungs. Thus, to prevent it, quitting smoking is the primary solution. If you have trouble quitting smoking , seek help from the best oncologist in India. Getting rid of this habit can also improve overall health.

Avoiding secondhand smoke

This includes smoke coming from cigars or cigarettes used by other people and their exhaled smoke. On breathing in secondhand smoke, you inhale plenty of chemicals that cause cancer or are generally toxic. This is as harmful as smoking and causes lung cancer. So, to avoid lung cancer, quitting smoking isn’t enough. You must also stay away from secondhand smoke in public places. 

Following a healthy diet

Diet plays a major role to prevent lung cancer. The foods that can help for this purpose may include:

1. Cruciferous veggies

These are the primary foods that prevent lung cancer and include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables contain derivatives of glucosinolates named indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates. Such compounds can work together or individually through several anticarcinogenic processes to cut down risks of lung cancer.

2. Turmeric

It is another food ingredient that prevents lung cancer. Turmeric contains a special substance called curcumin which combats cancer cells, including those of the lungs.

3. Green tea

It must also be included in the diet. Green tea usually contains catechins, mainly epigallocatechin gallate that may help in inhibiting the formation of mutated cells in lung cancer.

You must also eat foods that fight lung cancer. Examples are:

4. Fruits and veggies

Besides being rich in vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre, fruits and veggies are also loaded with antioxidants to help reduce the risk of lung cancer.

5. Whole grains

They are full of iron, fibre and B vitamins. Go for whole-wheat pasta and whole wheat bread.

6. Lean protein

Lean meats, including turkey, fish or chicken also helps to fight lung cancer.

Checking for radon gas at home

Wondering how to reduce risks of lung cancer at home? Test for the presence of radon in your house. You cannot smell or see this radioactive gas. Hence, it’s a highly dangerous cause of lung cancer followed by tobacco smoke. The gas is released due to the breakdown of uranium in soil and rocks. Seeping into the air and water supply, it may enter homes through cracks in the foundation, wall or floors. So, seek an expert or use a home testing kit to check your home for radon. If its levels are high, the expert can recommend how to lower it.

Knowing your family history

If one of your immediate family members previously suffered from lung cancer, you are more prone to developing it. Both environmental and genetic factors can lead to it's higher risk. So, remember to share your family history of the disease with the doctor. He/she may recommend specific screenings to help lower lung cancer risk.

Avoiding exposure to hazardous chemicals

If you are exposed to specific hazardous substances, you can be more vulnerable to have lung cancer. Such chemicals include:

  • Arsenic
  • Diesel exhaust
  • Silica
  • Cadmium
  • Soot
  • Nickel
  • Asbestos

Lung cancer risk rises with your increased exposure to these substances. You may be exposed to them mostly at workplaces. If that is the case, consider taking steps of protection like wearing protective gear.

Reducing risks of HIV infection

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can elevate your risk of getting lung cancer up to two times. A higher risk of cancer may stem from many factors, including the following:

  • The HIV disease can suppress the immunity of your body.
  • HIV can lead to a greater level of inflammation throughout your body.

To cut down the risk of HIV illness, you must ensure to use condoms every time you have sexual intercourse. You must also try to get screened regularly for HIV, mainly if you use intravenous medications or have unprotected sex. This can also prevent lung cancer.

Exercising regularly

Enough physical activities or regular exercise may bring down the risk of lung cancer in both men and women. The ways to reduce risks of lung cancer with the help of exercise, are not exactly known. However, the following factors may be possible:

  • Improved lung function
  • Better ability to repair DNA
  • Lowered levels of carcinogens in lungs
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Better immune function

If you want to know more about reducing the risks of lung cancer, consult Dr. Rudra Acharya, the best cancer specialist in Delhi.

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